AG Entertainment Management, Logo
(404) 221-9277

Hot, in Spots

Flaming Piano

Hang Outs:


Chef Rob Caribbean Cafe

When in the Atlanta area be sure to stop in at Chef Rob's place. No telln' who you may see there enjoying his great food.

Chef Rob's Caribbean Cafe

Fat Burgers

Whether in Los Angeles or Atlanta you need to visit a Fat Burger. The food is great and many entertainment types hang out at the more popular locations such as Buckhead in Atlanta (2625 Piedmont Rd.). Check local listing in advance (404) 844-0444.

Fat Burgers

Chicken'n Waffles

In Los Angeles - One word, "Roscoe's". As they say, they've been peacking around since 1975. The Hollywood location has an entertainment energy as well as good food. The Pico location has some of the same.

Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles

Chicken and Waffles

Gladys Knight & Ron Winans Chicken'n Waffles

At 579 Peachtree Street in Atlanta is a popular late night hangout of industry folks. (404) 874-9393.

Gladys Knight & Ron Winans Chicken'n Waffles